Friday, September 25, 2009


From time to time, I'll switch up my travel routes when moving around the city. If I have a day off, or some time to kill, I'll take different trains, connect or transfer at different stops, attempt taking buses. It's a way I'm still using to better familiarize myself with the city.

Today, when traveling back home this morning, I opted for the D train, as opposed to the N or the F, to start my trip. I've concluded I like taking the D over the bridge into Brooklyn far more than on the N. I get a better view of either side of the bridge, and I can watch the people riding their bikes. I took their photos today. Hopefully they will come out.

It's officially fall in the city. I found the only tree that's lost its leaves the other day in a park, and sat under that one. There are signs popping up everywhere for haunted houses, talk of parties, costumes, who's going to the parade. There's talk of carving pumpkins with my roommates. It's all very exciting. It will be October in a few days, and I couldn't be more excited. Mike and I are going to be steampunks for Halloween.
Corsets and gadgets and puffy skirts and goggles. All that good stuff. It was all my idea, and I'm damned proud of it. I want to enjoy my first October in the city to the fullest. All these kinds of thought make that Christmas song roll through my head. "It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

What are you doing for Halloween?