Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Revisit

I had a discussion with a co-worker today about websites for our crafts. She does art, and is also a medium. She told me she was considering getting a website, but due to the high cost and the time needed to update and repair a website, she's going with a blog instead. "You can do so much with a blog that you barely even need a website!", she said.

I agree. So I'm back.

Upon conclusion of the above conversation, I discovered I can update my blog from my BlackBerry. Not so sure yet about if I can post photos here from my phone, but I figure, I can post entries with stories of my days and memories and thoughts, and when I'm at my laptop, I can update with photos.

I'm really going to try to keep up with this thing, this time. The URL is even going on my next batch of business cards. Kinda a big deal.

Have you seen the website It's this great printer that sells these fabulous mini business cards. It's basically like if you take a business card and cut it in half. And you can choose different photos or images for the back of the cards! For example, when Mike got his batch of cards, he used still frames from his films. I'll be using photos. They're great. I believe they're pretty inexpensive as well, and they are definitely conversation starters. Be sure to look into them.

Here's something interesting that happened last week. I've been living in New York City for close to a year now. I was taking a taxi after work towards Union Sqaure. As we drove down Broadway, we reached 23rd Street, and there, in front of us, completely unexpected, was the Flatiron Building. It was at that point that I realized that after living here for close to 10 months, I had never seen it with my own eyes. Hell, I didn't even know where it was. I've also discovered that there's a nice little park across the street from it, with some nice trees and a few pieces if abstract art. I will be including photos of this park, and probably the Flatiron building, in September's installment of Photo Of The Day.

Tomorrow is another day spent down at Pier 83. I'm sure I will be posting more stories tomorrow. I feel like with having my blog in my hand, I will definitely be more apted to update frequently. Especially with a subway ride to work which is half above ground. Fabulous thinking time. Taa till tomorrow.


Johnny said...

So glad you're gonna start updating again! I'm working on a website right now and it's super hectic- blogging is much easier.

Also, I walk by the Flat Iron and Madison Park almost every day! People are always taking photos of it but I hardly stop to look up, too busy getting to class and listening to music. If you're ever in the park again- go to the Snack Shack. That line is always huge, but the food is great.