Thursday, November 19, 2009

Movie Line Observations

I'm currently sitting in for the midnight premiere of New Moon. You would think that every theater in the city would have a midnight showing lined up for this movie. It's an easy way to make a boatload of money really quickly. But, my theater of choice, Regal at Union Square has opted out on the party. So, my roommates and I were stuck getting tickets for the 19th street Loews theater. A small theater, which makes it tough for so many people. We're all sitting outside waiting for midnight, or whenever they open the doors to let us in. Figures of course that it's raining, and there's no cover. It's a light rain though, so it's not a big issue. I was lucky enough to get in line right in front of a window, so I have a nice window sill to sit on while I wait. Two roommates and a household friend will be going in on tonight's festivities. Did you really think I would come to a thing like this all alone? God no. I'm not that pitiful. I'll also have you all know that I'm reading Anne Rice while I wait.

I'm thinking of taking a day trip while Mike is away in LA. I'm thinking of going to Atlantic City. I've never been. Bus tickets aren't too expensive. My grandparents used to go all the time when I was little. I'd like to see what drew them there. Casinos. I know that much. I haven't taken a trip in a long time anyways, so it'd be nice to get out of the city and go somewhere other than Connecticut. A new environment. A new experience. A new place to take photos. We'll see. If I can pick up a few more shifts at the bar, I should be able to afford it. I made $150 last night.