Tuesday, October 6, 2009

There are far too many people on this train for me to handle. I understand that it's 8am and you're all going to work, but give me some room to wake up. Or at least share your coffee with me.

Saw Zombieland last night. It was brilliant. Really funny. You should definitely go see it.

I also bought the first part of my Halloween costume yesterday. I got a cincher, rather than a full corset. This will show off the shirt I want to wear more. It's perfect. I was expecting to go into Trash and Vaudeville, find what I wanted and be forced to shell out over a hundred dollars for it. Thankfully, they have a sale rack. $49 and I was out of there, damned proud of my bargain shopping. I rewarded myself further by purchasing a cute hat. Good job me!

See, the problem with updating this blog from my phone is that I can't post photos. Or, at least, I don't know how to. So, I run out of things to talk about. At least if I was on my computer, I could google a cute random photo of kittens or post that Jem and the Holograms vs. Le Tigre video from youtube.

Hey! Here's some good news! Looks like the company I work for is about 99.9% going to get the contract for the Pond at Bryant Park for the winter season. I guess it's a green screen thing, and they'll be needing a tech. Guess who's gonna get moved there? Yay me! Solid work through the winter! Happy days! Let's just hope that .01% doesn't come up and bite me in the ass.

I'm crossing the bridge into Manhattan now, so while I have service, I'm gonna post this. Have a lovely day :)